The scope of application of the concepts of nationality and personal law to the legal entity


  • Abdurauf Abdukodirov International Strategic Centre for Agro-food Development (I-SCAD)

Ключевые слова:

nationality, personal law, resident, tax, investment, diplomatic protection, scope of nationality, scope of personal law, code, dispute


This article examines the areas of application of the nationality and personal law of a legal entity, which plays an important role in the relations of a legal entity in a foreign state and with foreign legal entities, ie public and private international legal relations. In this case, tax, investment and diplomatic protection are discussed separately as the main areas of focus on the nationality of the legal entity. It has also been proved based on the legislation of foreign countries, judicial practice, bilateral and multilateral international agreements, scientific doctrine on the application of the nationality and personal law of a legal entity in various fields are that nationality and personal law of a legal entity are separate concepts. More precisely, it was concluded that the nationality of a legal entity should be applied in public legal relations, and personal law in private international legal relations

Биография автора

Abdurauf Abdukodirov, International Strategic Centre for Agro-food Development (I-SCAD)





Как цитировать

Abdukodirov, A. (2023) «The scope of application of the concepts of nationality and personal law to the legal entity», TSUL Legal Report Международный электронный научный журнал, 3(2), сс. 33-40. доступно на: (просмотрено: 18май2024).



12.00.03 – Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law

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