The concept, importance and characteristics of electronic currency


  • Begali Kholmirov Tashkent State University of Law

Ключевые слова:

Digital (electronic) currency, WebMoney Gold, virtual currency, traditional money, electronic money, fiduciary money, virtual communities, analogy method, issuers


The article analyzes the legal nature of the electronic currency. It is of scientific research interest, since the main task of the state in the field of electronic payments is not only to create a legal climate, protect the participants in the settlement, increase transparency and legalization, but also create equal conditions for the development of electronic cash and virtual money. As well as, in the context of the global financial and economic crisis, the fall in public confidence in the banking system and state currencies, the ideas of creating new, alternative currency systems have become especially relevant. The most famous is an electronic currency protected by a cryptographic coding system, which is why it is called a crypto currency. A number of authors’ publications have already discussed the features of electronic currency. Within the framework of this article, the legal foundations of the issue under study will be touched upon. For the World Bank, ministries of finance and central banks of different countries, the problem of the existence of virtual, or cryptocurrencies, is relevant

Биография автора

Begali Kholmirov, Tashkent State University of Law

Independent researcher (PhD)




Как цитировать

Kholmirov, B. (2023) «The concept, importance and characteristics of electronic currency», TSUL Legal Report Международный электронный научный журнал, 3(1), сс. 37-43. доступно на: (просмотрено: 18май2024).



12.00.03 – Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law

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